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2013 Activities

DATE: 12 and 13 of January

ACTIVITY: Seminar on the Dynamic Structural Method, a tool for research developed by the Center for Humanist Studies.

DESCRIPTION: This seminar emphasizes the fundamental guidelines of the Method such as the triple vision of the object of study that can be applied to any field of work.

Likewise, it develops its implementation in everyday life, overcoming the dualistic vision that biases knowledge.

PLACE: Toledo Study and Reflection Parks. Highway N-IV, Km. 54

COLLABORATORS: Center for Humanist Studies

RECIPIENTS: Associations and the general public

 DATE: April 13 and 14

ACTIVITY: Preparation World campaign "Towards the Universal Human Nation".

DESCRIPTION: The Universal Human Nation as an aspiration to the freedom of choice of the human being. It will launch discussion forums, multicultural meetings, conferences, seminars and presence on the street and in the media.

The Pangea Foundation will provide the necessary spaces for meetings and organizational meetings that will be held monthly to evaluate the development of the campaign.

PLACE: Toledo Study and Reflection Parks. Highway N-IV, Km. 54

COLLABORATORS: Association of Convergence of Cultures of Spain (Madrid, Barcelona, ​​and Malaga) and Italy (Rome).

RECIPIENTS: Associations and the general public.


ACTIVITY: Conference "Universal Myths"

DESCRIPTION: The emergence of myths as deep human needs in the search for the meaning of their existence.

PLACE: Toledo Study and Reflection Parks. Highway N-IV, Km. 54

COLLABORATORS: Association of World Citizens

RECIPIENTS: Public in general.


ACTIVITY: National Pre-Forum for Non-Violence

DESCRIPTION: In 2007, the UN declared October 2 as World Day of Nonviolence, in memory of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi. He expressed the recommendation to governments, institutions, associations and all people to give the widest possible dissemination of this World Day for Nonviolence. This year we want to give even more strength to Non-violence, as the only valid methodology for social and personal transformation, to which the preparation of this National Forum for Non-violence, which will be held on October 5 and 6, contributes

Day 7: Configuration and content of the Organizing Table and Broadcast Table.

Day 8: Configuration and content of the Dialogue Table, Relations Table between Associations for Non-Violence and Table of Proposals for the Future.

PLACE: Toledo Study and Reflection Parks. Highway N-IV, Km. 54

COLLABORATORS: Association The Community for Human Development.

RECIPIENTS: Associations and the general public


ACTIVITY: Seminar on "Fire and the Human Species"

DESCRIPTION: The objective is to feel what the hominid experienced when he found himself in front of the fire for the first time. The seminar is divided into four parts: An introduction, notes on the deferred response, the account of the experience and conclusions.

PLACE: Toledo Study and Reflection Parks. Highway N-IV, Km. 54

COLLABORATORS: Association of World Citizens

RECIPIENTS: Associations and the general public


ACTIVITY: National Forum for Nonviolence


Day 5: Official Opening Ceremony. Dialog and exchange tables. Broadcast tables.

Day 6: Tables of Relations between Associations, Table of Proposals and Closing Ceremony.

PLACE: Toledo Study and Reflection Parks. Highway N-IV, Km. 54

COLLABORATORS: Association The Community for Human Development.


ACTIVITY: Conference on Art and Spirituality

DESCRIPTION: Tour of the productions in art and architecture during the development of human history. Sometimes the feeling of an era or of a people has been inspired by a deep spirituality, and it seems possible to recognize the translations of that inspiration in art and architecture.

PLACE: Toledo Study and Reflection Parks. Highway N-IV, Km. 54

COLLABORATORS: Various associations.
RECIPIENTS: Associations and the general public