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Activities between 2002 and 2019

Activities from 2002 to 2008

The most relevant

Among many other activities, the documentary series Faros de la Humanidad is being edited and the project for the creation of the Parks of Study and Reflection,...

Activities 2014

Everything is of interest

Actions such as the Seminar-Workshop: "The Healing of Suffering" or the National Forum for Nonviolence...

2017 Activities

Everything is of interest

Actions such as the Commemoration or Presentation of the book "The Mystic Influx of the Pure Number" or the Forum: "Europe, Human Rights and Immigration"...

2012 Activities

Different activities

Different activities carried out by the Pangea Foundation together with its collaborators in 2012, such as the International Symposium "A NEW HUMANISM FOR A NEW CIVILIZATION".

Activities 2015

Different activities

Activities such as the Celebration of Seasonal Meetings in Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter and the Day for Human Rights.

2018 Activities

Different activities

Activities such as the Silo Birth Commemoration, the Celebration of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter Seasonal Meetings and the Seminar-Workshop on "Violence, its forms" and on "Non-violence as a methodology of action"...

Activities 2013

Various activities

Activities such as the Seminar on the Dynamic Structural Method, a research tool developed by the Centre for Humanist Studies or a Conference on Art and Spirituality,...

Activities 2016


Actions such as the Commemoration of Silo's Birth or the European Meeting for Nonviolence, or the presentation of the Monographic Study "The idiot and the spiral" by Agostino Lotti.

2019 activities

Various activities

Actions such as the Seminar-Workshop on “virtues. Psychophysical Practices”, or the Forum for Human Rights or the Seminar-Workshop on “The Reconciliation...