In adopting the name of "Pangea", the Foundation seeks to highlight an image: the unity of all lands. This is the cultural ideal that animates this project, in hopes of a future when all nations are part of a universal human nation, without discrimination, without aggravating differences, yet bringing out cultural differences that can be harmonized in a common ideal.
As geological science demonstrates, the continents on our planet moved apart over time, and it was in that separation that the ethnic groups, cultures and nations were formed.
Nevertheless, contact today between diverse peoples is increasing. Thanks to the cultural impetus of science, technology, art, and economy, the Earth is becoming a global entity - this time in a cultural, rather than in a geographic, sense.
The Pangea Foundation wants to contribute its efforts as a cultural entity toward the development of the arts, science and culture, fostering interchange for a wider and better understanding among peoples.
Pangea was established in the year 2000, with the purpose of fostering understanding, appreciation and tolerance among peoples. This is espcially important at this time when significant migratory movements are producing cultural clashes - clashes which might be avoided through the spread of tolerance, non-violence and cooperation among cultures.
Activities carried out 2002 - 2019
Human Support Projects
The Foundation gave its support specifically to the FIAH (Federación Internacional de Apoyo Humano - International Federation of Human Support), a group of associations striving to inspire peace, justice, solidarity and cooperation among all Human beings, and promoting principles of reciprocity, cohabitation, friendship, support and mutual help.
Audiovisual Projects Oriented towards the Educational, Academic and Information Fields
The Ciudadanos del Mundo (Citizens of the World) is an organization with which the Foundation has worked closely in both the production and the diffusion of educational and informational audiovisual materials promoting a wider understanding of different cultures through the best contributions of human knowledge.
The Foundation understands that the right to information means not only the right to receive it and the ability to process it, but also the right to produce it and the means to do so. Technology should be at the service of human communications, becoming a necessary tool for the education and formation of future generations, for the free circulation of information, and for active, critical and constructive participation in society.
Projects for Creating and Constructing Spaces and Sites open to Inner Experience
The Pangea Foundation, recognizing and encouraging diversity in costumes and cultures, promotes the creation of "Study and Reflection Parks" - centers for the expression and diffusion of diverse human activities for Life and the Human Spirit.
These spaces and ambits, these Study and Reflection Parks, will act as beacons for meetings among different cultures, for expression, for reflection and for meditation.
They will be spaces where every Human Being may find profound inspiration.