Activities from 2002 to 2008
Activities carried out in 2005
Signing of the Frame Agreement with the University of the Studies Federico II of Naples (Italy).
December 2005 introduction of the documentary in DVD "Toledo-Alexandria, Lighthouses of the Humanity" and Inauguration of the Exhibition "The Province of Toledo through the engravings" (original engravings belonging to the Fund of the Patrimony of the Government of the Province of Toledo) at the siege of the Cervantes Institute in Cairo.
The following institutions cooperated the Foundation Pangea at the presentation of this event: Government of the Province of Toledo, University of Castile -La Mancha School of Translators from Toledo, Embassy of Spain in Egypt, General Direction of Cultural and Scientific Relationships, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain (MAE), Institute Cervantes of Cairo, Association Citizens of the World, Centre for Ibero-American Studies of the University of Cairo, UNED (National Long Distance University of Spain).
December 2005 presentation at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina of the documentary in DVD "Toledo - Alexandria, Beacons of Humanity" and Inauguration of the Exhibition "The Province of Toledo through the engravings".
The institutions that cooperated with the presentation at this event: Library of Alexandria, Institute Cervantes of Alexandria, Government of the Province of Toledo, University of Castile- La Mancha - School of Translators from Toledo, Embassy of Spain in Egypt, General Direction of Cultural and Scientific Relationships, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Association Citizens of the World, UNED (National Long Distance University of Spain).
December 2005 Signing of the Frame Agreement with the University of Cairo
The signature of the agreement between the Foundation Pangea and the Centre for Ibero-American Studies (Faculty of Literature) of the University of Cairo, it allows to summarize and open projects of different characteristics.
Activities carried out in 2006
April 12th 2006. Under the title: "Influences of the common memory, towards a shared future among cultures", at the National Library and Files of Egypt in Cairo the documentary "Toledo - Alexandria, Beacons of Humanity" was introduced.
The institutions that co-operated were: Cervantes Institute, Government of Toledo, Embassy of Spain in Cairo, General Direction of Cultural and Scientific Relationships, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Embassy of Egypt in Madrid, Egyptian Institute of Islamic Studies in Madrid, Association Citizens of the World, UNED (National Long Distance University of Spain).
May 30th - June 2 the 2006. The Foundation Pangea participates in the International Seminar organized by the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature of the University of Cádiz (Spain): "Cities of the Mediterranean. The Modernities of an Old World in a New Millennium."
June 7th 2006. Presentation in the University of the Studies Federico II of Naples of the documental "Federico II, a bridge between East and West."
July 2006 signing of the Frame Agreement between the Foundation Pangea and the Bibliotheca Alexandrina of Egypt for the combined development of activities that promote tolerance and the re-encounter among the different cultures.
October 11th 2006. The President of the Government of Toledo, José Manuel Tofiño Pérez, and the President of the Foundation Pangea, Eduardo Gozalo González, signing an Agreement of Cooperation for the national and international dissemination of the documentary 'Toledo-Alexandria, Lighthouses of the Humanity', to promote the tolerance, the coexistence and the multi-culturality.
17 - 25th October 2006. Moscow.
- The Foundation Pangea together with the Centre for Humanist Studies of Moscow (Russia) and the University of the Friendship among the People of Moscow (old Patrice Lumumba), organized the Seminar "Non-violence and Tolerance between People, past, present and future."
- Signing of the Agreement of Combined Collaboration, - Presentation of the documentary "Toledo-Alexandria, Beacons of Humanity”, "Frederic II, a bridge between East and West" and "The History of Non-Violence."
November 2006 presentation at the Library of Alexandria of the documentary DVD "Frederic II, a bridge between the East and West" that it will be published and distributed (the same as both previous documentaries) by the Vice-presidency and Department of Audiovisual Resources of the UNED (National Long Distance University of Spain) .
Institutional representatives of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina attended, the Foundation Pangea, the Association Citizens of the World, UNED (National Long Distance University of Spain), University of Alexandria, Consul from Italy, as well as other academic and cultural Spanish, Egyptian and Italian representatives.
Activities carried out in 2007
February 21. Presentation of the documental "Frederic II, a bridge between East and West" at the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Complutense University of Madrid in co-operation with the Institute of the Sciences of the Religions of that university.
The Frame Agreement was signed between the Foundation Pangea and the Institute of the Sciences of the Religions- Complutense University of Madrid.
March 5th. Presentation in UNED of Ceuta of the documentary "Toledo - Alexandria, Beacons of Humanity."
March 6th. Presentation in the House of the Culture of Tetuán (Marrocco) of the documentary "Toledo - Alexandria, Beacons of Humanity"
March 15th, signing of Frame Agreement between the Foundation Pangea and UNED (National Long Distance University of Spain).
March-April: impelled by the Foundation Pangea, they are organized interviews with the President of the Government of the Province of Toledo and the Governor from Alexandria, agreeing the establishment of the administrations for the Sisterhood of the Provinces of Toledo and Alexandria in 2007. Supporting both Provinces the construction of the Multicultural Parks of Toledo and Alexandria
April 19th: Presentation at the Royal Academy of Spain in Rome (Italy) of the documentary "Toledo-Alexandria, Beacons of the Humanity"
April, 20-21st, 2007: Presentation of the documentary “Toledo – Alejandría, Faro de la Humanidad” (Toledo – Alexandria, Beacon of the humanity) at the “Royal Academy of Spain in Rome, Italy (with the attendance of the First Vice-Chairman of the County Council of Toledo, members of the Egyptian Embassy in Rome, Academic Institutions). Presentation of the same documentary at the La Sapienza University of Rome and Opening of the Exhibition “La Provincia de Toledo a través del grabado” (The Province of Toledo through the snapshots), (the exhibits are the heritage of Toledo form the XIV-XIX century) at the Cultural Hall of the Egyptian Embassy in Rome (organized by Pangea Foundation and the County Council of Toledo).
October 26-27th, 2007: Moscow. A seminar was organized with the title “Humanist bases for the common tendency amongst the different cultures” organized by the following institutions: Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Centre of Humanist Studies of Moscow and Pangea Foundation of Spain. The following institutions attended to the seminar: Embassy of Bolivia in Russia, Egyptian Embassy in Russia, Latin-American Institute ACR, Institute of Philosophy ACR, Institute of Sociology ARC, Institute of Theory and History of Pedagogy AER, Academy of Administration of the Presidency of Russia, Russian Movement “World without violence” and the magazine “Vostok”.
November 15-17th, 2007: Sofia, Bulgaria: International Conference EU-Russia: “Challenges of a new communication”. The event was organized by the following institutions: Russian Centre of Scientific and Cultural Cooperation (RusInterCenter), Russian Centre of Culture and Information in Sofia, Foundation “Slavyami” of Bulgaria and the Association of International Affairs of Munich, Germany. The following organizations participated at the conference: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Culture of Bulgaria, Diplomatic Academy of the Foreign Affairs of Russia , Russian Academy of Business, European Regional of the Humanist International, Czech Movement “Nezakladnam”, Pangea Foundation of Spain, Centre of Humanist Studies of Moscow, Society “Finland-Russia”, Union of Regional Medias of Russia.
December, 14th, 2007: Granada: We were invited by the Platform “Open Granada for the Tolerance” and in collaboration with the Forum of Feminist Politics, Pangea Foundation and the non – profit association Citizens of the World presented the documentary of “Toledo – Alejandría, Faro de la Humanidad” (Toledo – Alexandria, Beacon of the humanity) at the Cultural Centre Mariana Pineda of Granada.
Activities carried out in 2008
January, 2008: Completion of studies about the history of non-violence in different cultural areas. Beginning of cutting and editing.
April, 2008: Completion of the documentary “Bizantcio, la raíz común” (Byzantium, the common roots). Beginning of translation and dubbing in English, French, Italian, German, Russian, Arabian, Hebrew, Turkish, Greek atc.
May, 13th, 2008: Presentation of the documentary “Bizantcio, la raíz común” (Byzantium, the common roots) at the Centre of Human and Social Sciences of the Supreme Centre of Scientific Researches of Madrid (CSIC). The following people took part in the event: D. Pedro Badenas de la Peña, Research Professor at CSIC; D. Eduardo Gozalo Gonzáles, Chairman of Pangea Foundation; Don José Francisco Álvarez, Vice-Rector of the Institutional and International Relations of the National Long Distance University of Spain (UNED); Dña. Zeynep Kalelý, First Secretary of the Turkish Embassy and D. Juan I. Espinosa Antón, Research Coordinator of “Ciudadanos del Mundo) (the non-profit association “Citizens of the World).
May, 21st, 2008: Presentation of the documentary “Bizantcio, la raíz común” (Byzantium, the common roots) at the Pera Museum of Istanbul. The event was organized by the Cervantes Institute in Istanbul and the documentary was presented by the institute’s director, D. Pablo Martín Asuero together with Dña. Aurora Marquina Espinosa, Professor of Social Anthropology at UNED; D. Eduardo Gozalo Gonzáles, Chairmen of Pangea Foundation and Dña. Nevra Necipoglu. Professor of Byzantine history at the Bosporus University.
June, 16th, 2008: Presentation of the documentary “Bizantcio, la raíz común” (Byzantium, the common roots) in the Auditorium of the University of Seville. The event was presented by Miguel Angel Romero Jonquiere, Professor of Turkish Language and Literature. The following people took part in the event: D. Emilio Gonzáles Ferrín, Researcher of Arabian cultures and Director of the Department of Integrated Philology at the University of Seville; Dña. Alicia Borrachina, Representative of Pangea Foundation and D. Juan I. Espinosa Antón, Research Coordinator of “Ciudadanos del Mundo) (the non-profit association “Citizens of the World).