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Activities 2014

DATE: March 22nd

ACTIVITY: Spring Seasonal.

DESCRIPTION: The change of season is celebrated, remembering the most significant events of the quarter, as well as highlighting several aspects of the activities that are carried out. It is accompanied by an agape of camaraderie between the assistants.

COLLABORATORS: Asociación de Convergencia de las Culturas, La Comunidad para el Desarrollo Humano, Centro de Estudios Humanistas.

DATE: March 29th

ACTIVITY: Seminar-Workshop: "The Healing of Suffering".

DESCRIPTION: The Community for human development in its construction of a new human culture, presents this Workshop-Seminar open to social participation with the aim of knowing the fundamentals of a doctrine and a current of thought and action that is useful for the evolution of human existence at the personal and social level. Closure and Agape between participants.

COLLABORATORS: The Community for Human Development

DATES: 26th and 27th April and 3rd and 4th May.

ACTIVITY: 26th, 27th April and 3rd May: Preparation of Testimony Day Acts. May 4 national celebration of the anniversary of the Arenga "Healing of Suffering".

DESCRIPTION: The Community for human development in its construction of a new human culture, in which violence generates repugnance and non-violence is the method of action, for the sake of human freedom and its liberation from suffering, commemorates this Day of Witness by remembering that May 4, 1969 in which Silo gave the Arenga in the Historical Park of Punta de Vacas, Argentina. Closure and Agape between participants.

COLLABORATORS: The Community for Human Development, World without Wars Association, Convergence of Cultures

DATE: June 21st

ACTIVITY: Spring Seasonal.

DESCRIPTION: The change of season is celebrated, remembering the most significant events of the quarter, as well as highlighting several aspects of the activities that are carried out. It is accompanied by an agape of camaraderie between the assistants.

COLLABORATORS: Asociación de Convergencia de las Culturas, La Comunidad para el Desarrollo Humano, Centro de Estudios Humanistas.


ACTIVITY: Workshop-Seminar "The discovery and development of one's own qualities".

DESCRIPTION: Seminar and workshop in which we work on the knowledge of our own qualities and their implementation with the aim of advancing personal and social development. Closure and Agape between participants.

COLLABORATORS: The Community for Human Development

DATE: September 21st

ACTIVITY: Autumn Seasonal.

DESCRIPTION: The change of season is celebrated, remembering the most significant events of the quarter, as well as highlighting several aspects of the activities that are carried out. It is accompanied by an agape of camaraderie between the assistants.

COLLABORATORS: Asociación de Convergencia de las Culturas, La Comunidad para el Desarrollo Humano, Centro de Estudios Humanistas.


ACTIVITY: Preparation of the 2nd of October World Day of Nonviolence and the National Pre-Forum for Nonviolence on the 4th and 5th of October.

DESCRIPTION: In 2007, the UN declared 2 October as World Day of Nonviolence, in memory of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi. He expressed the recommendation to governments, institutions, associations and all people to give the widest possible dissemination of this World Day for Nonviolence. This year we want to give even more strength to Nonviolence, as the only valid methodology for social and personal transformation, to which the preparation of this National Forum for Nonviolence that will be held on 4 and 5 October contributes.
Day 27: Preparation of the activities for the 2nd of October. Development of the celebration and Coordination between cities. Configuration and contents of the Organisational Table and Dissemination Table for the Nonviolence Forum on 4 and 5 October. Agape between participants.
Day 28: Configuration and contents of the Tables of Dialogue, Tables of relations between Associations for Nonviolence and Tables of Proposals for Future Action. Closing Ceremony and Agape between participants.

COLLABORATORS: Association The Community for Human Development, Convergence of Cultures


ACTIVITY: National Forum for Nonviolence


Day 4: Official Opening Ceremony. Dialogue and exchange tables. Dissemination tables. Exhibition and assessment of what was done in the celebration of October 2, World Day of Nonviolence at the national and international levels. Agape between participants.
Day 5: Tables of Relations between Associations, Table of Proposals. Closing Ceremony and Agape between participants.

COLLABORATORS: Asociación Ciudadanos del Mundo, Asociación La Comunidad para el Desarrollo Humano, Convergencia de las Culturas, Mundo sin Guerras.


ACTIVITY: Public Act: "Silo and Nonviolence, Another Look at the Crisis".

DESCRIPTION: A panel composed of journalists, students, writers and activists, expose the current crisis from a different perspective than usual, resulting in Silo and Nonviolence. An experience is shared that makes a new look possible.

COLLABORATORS: Journalists, students, writers and associations.

DATE: December 21st

ACTIVITY: Seasonal of Winter.

DESCRIPTION: The change of season is celebrated, remembering the most significant events of the quarter, as well as highlighting several aspects of the activities that are carried out. It is accompanied by an agape of camaraderie between the assistants.

COLLABORATORS: Asociación de Convergencia de las Culturas, La Comunidad para el Desarrollo Humano, Centro de Estudios Humanistas.