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Works in Toledo Park in 2007

Hall, Multiuses -- 12/12/2007

Other advances - 06/12/2007

Others more advances -- 28/11/2007

More advances -- 25/11/2007

More in Hall, level... -- 22/11/2007

Continue works - 14/11/2007

Continue in baths, Multiuses and Hall  - 07/11/2007

Continue of building -- 30/10/2007

Continue level ad lay the foundations -- 24/10/2007

Preparation Monolith and begin of lay the foundations -- 19/10/2007

Ditch Multiuses and preparation of track -- 16 y 17/10/2007

Movement of land -- 09/10/2007

Begin of the construction -- 18/09/2007

Visit at Toledo Park with architect, building... -- 01/09/2007

Signing employment of building with construction company -- 18/08/2007