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Index of human development  (IHD)

Of the 174 countries whose respect has prepared the IDH of this year 2000, 46 appear in the category of high development human (with a IDH whose value is equal to or superior at 0.800), 93 appear in the category of development medium human (0.500 to 0.790) and 35 are in the category of development under human (less than 0.500).

Twenty countries have experienced backward movements of their human development from 1990 as a result of the pandemic of the VIH/SIDA, mainly in Sub-Sahara Africa, and of the economic stagnation and the conflict, in Subsahariana Africa and Eastern Europe and the CEI.

Canada, Norway and the United States are in the superior part of the classification according to the IDH, and Mountain range Lioness, Niger and Burkina Ditch the disparities between the regions are in paror.te inferi can be significant, and some must cover but land to surpass the insufficiencies that others (graphical 1).

Sub-Sahara Africa must cross but of the double that Latin America and the Caribbean. Two countries with entrance per capita resemblance can have different values from IDH (graphical 2).

Sources: Office for the Report on Human Development (CINU-Spain)

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Index of human development  (IHD)

The countries that began in similar levels of IHD in 1975 can have finished with very different values in 1998. And countries that began in different levels totally in 1975 can have finished with similar values of IHD in 1998 (graphical 3).

Those differences are from a combination of factors, and the policy followed by the countries is a fundamental determinant. Seven countries of sub-Sahara Africa - Bostwana, Burundi, the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Zambia and Zimbabwe- underwent a backward movement between 1985 and 1998 with respect to the progress that had obtained in the development of human capacities basic in the previous decade (1975-1985).

This backward movement is explained partly by the loss of the  expectancy life because of the VIH/SIDA.

Similar effects in Namibia can be seen, the Republic Centroafricana and South Africa between 1990 and 1998. Uganda is the only country that could recover of that backward movement. The value of its IDH lowered between 1985 and 1990 because of the VIH/SIDA, but it improved towards 1998 until surpassing the values of 1985.

Sources: Office for the Report on Human Development (CINU-Spain)